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Yes, just follow the instructions in our instructions manual and within a few minutes the fireplace is installed. GlammFire bioethanol fireplaces can be used both indoors and outdoors (depending on the model) and require no additional installation work or chimney, so you can easily change their location.
You can find all detailed information about the firing of a GlammFire bioethanol fireplace in the instructions manual that accompanies the model. Strictly follow our instructions in order to ensure a proper installation and a safe and efficient use.
Yes, however, the process of regulating the intensity of the flame varies with the GlammFire burner model. In the GlammFire mechanical burners you can do it manually using the special key that is supplied with the model, since they have a mechanism for regulating the flame (minimum, medium and maximum).
Note: The consumption of bioethanol varies depending on the setting selected.
Yes, you can extinguish the fireplace at any time, even before the combustion of bioethanol has ended. However, we recommend that you wait for the complete combustion of bioethanol contained in the burner, because it guarantees a good burn quality the next time you ignite the fireplace. In the fireplaces with mechanical burner this process should be performed using the special key that is supplied with the model, while in the fireplaces with electronic burner simply press a button to extinguish the flame.
Note: Extinguish your decorative fireplace whenever you leave home.
As do not require additional installation work or chimney, GlammFire bioethanol fireplaces can be easily changed. However, we recommend that you make the movement operations whenever the fireplace is not operating and without bioethanol in the burner.
Yes. As usually GlammFire decorative fireplaces require no chimney or pipes, the total heat generated by the combustion of bioethanol stays on the room. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons that make them efficient in heating.

The heat emitted by this type of fireplace warms perfectly 35 sqm.

Yes, they can be installed in any environment (room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) or directly in different types of structures (for example, furniture or masonry). However, not every place is suitable and appropriate for their installation. They can not be installed in spaces with small dimensions and little ventilation. Elsewhere, we recommend that you strictly follow our installation instructions.
Note: Sometimes, you may need an approval from the competent authorities in order to install your bioethanol fireplace at a given location. Make sure that it complies with all standards prior to installation of your GlammFire bioethanol fireplace.
GlammFire has in its collection of bioethanol fireplaces and burners some models which have been carefully developed to be incorporated into existing traditional fireplaces or different types of structures (for example, furniture or masonry).

The process of renewal of your existing traditional fireplace is simple and fast. Just follow the instructions given in the instruction manual of the bioethanol fireplace or burner and in a few minutes your old fireplace gets a new life.

A GlammFire bioethanol fireplace requires no special maintenance. Depending on the model and the materials, you can clean it with your household cleaning products. In the case of GlammFire mechanical burners, as they are developed in stainless steel, you should clean them with a soft cloth and a liquid product for cleaning this material.

Undoubtedly. Nevertheless, we recommend that you keep children and animals away from the fireplace while it is running. Ensure safety, maintain a good supervision of your fireplace.

Absolutely. Our Bespoke Product Programme allows all our products to be customized and perfectly adapted to your needs and desires. The use of noble, resistant and safe materials with excellent quality, outstanding craftsmanship from our craftsmen and attention to detail allows us to offer you the best product and service quality.

We guarantee products developed according to your needs and desires, customized and with exquisite finishing, that present themselves as the best solutions for heating and decoration.