Inspired by nature in its purest state, Tuli distinguishes itself by its imposing posture and strong ego, where the elegance and accuracy of its lines stand out strongly.
Its solidity and deep look allow it to engage in different environments, with more focus on the exterior.
The terrace gets a new role.
Higher glass – High temperature resistant glass (included) Fuel compartment cover (included) Top support glass (optional) Bottom support glass (optional) Support ashtrays (optional) Protection cover (optional)
Inspired by nature in its purest state, Tuli distinguishes itself by its imposing posture and strong ego, where the elegance and accuracy of its lines stand out strongly.
Its solidity and deep look allow it to engage in different environments, with more focus on the exterior.
The terrace gets a new role.
Higher glass – High temperature resistant glass (included) Fuel compartment cover (included) Top support glass (optional) Bottom support glass (optional) Support ashtrays (optional) Protection cover (optional)